Sunday 5 April 2015

Chapter 3

T-v graph
(constant P)
P-v graph
(constant T)
A:Compressed Liquid
B: Saturated Liquid
C: Saturated Liquid-Vapor
D: Saturated Vapor
E: Superheated Vapor
BD: Latent Heat of Vaporisation

when a substance exists as part liquid and part vapor at saturation conditions, its quality (x) is defines as
Example 1:
Refer Table A-5:
at pressure 200kPa,      Tsat=133.52°C      Vf=0.001073 m3/kg     Vg=0.60582 m3/kg
let x=0.7
v= vf + xvfg
  =0.001073 + 0.7(0.60582 - 0.001073)
  =0.4634 m3/kg
Example 2:
A vessel of volume 0.04m3 contains a mixture of saturated water and saturated steam at a temperature of 250°C. The mass of the liquid present is 9kg. Find the pressure, the mass, the specific volume, the enthalpy and the internal energy.
Example 3:
 Steam initially at 0.3MPa, 250°C is cooled at constant volume
a.    At what temperature will the steam become saturated vapour?
b.    What is the quality at 80°C?
c.    What is the heat transferred per kg of steam in cooling from 250°C to 80°C